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Tips to reduce inflammation in the body 

Inflammation is often seen as the culprit of every disease. While this isn't true, inflammation can contribute to an illness or exacerbate symptoms. Due to this, it is important to reduce the amount of inflammation in your body as much as possible for optimal health and wellbeing. In today's article, I will give you some helpful tips on how you can reduce the amount of inflammation in your body naturally.

What causes inflammation?

There are many things that can cause the body to become inflamed. Things such as a poor diet high in processed food and sugar can result in chronic inflammation throughout the cells which will trigger illnesses overtime . Another reason why someone may have chronic inflammatory's is due to allergies from food , chemicals and/or the environment.

What are some tips to reduce inflammation?

So now that you have a better understanding of what causes inflammation, let's go over some ways on how to reduce it naturally. I will give you 4 very good foods and supplements that can aid in reducing the amount of inflammatory response from your body.

1.) Omegas

There are 3 types of omegas: Omega-3s , omega-6s and omega -9 fatty acids . Each one is important for our bodies for a variety of needs including cellular communication, mood regulation, hormone production and even cardiovascular health . It is recommended that an individual consumes both omega-3s and omega-6s but keep the intake ratio close to 1:1. In other words, you don't want to consume omega-6s more than omega-3s because it will cause inflammation in the body.

If you are unsure where to get omegas from or you can't eat enough of them a day, I recommend taking a high quality fish oil supplement that has pure ingredients and is free from heavy metals and toxins. A good brand that I recommend is Nordic Naturals , they have been around for many years and have some great products.

2.) Vitamin C

Anyone who knows me well, knows how much vitamin c I take on a daily basis lol. In all seriousness, this vitamin is very important when it comes to health especially when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the inflammatory marker IL6 which is produced when your body becomes inflamed . Some other benefits of vitamin c are improving cardiovascular health , normalizing cholesterol levels, healthier joints and even healthier skin . The recommended daily intake for adults is 90mg-2000mg so you can take up to 1000 mg 3x a day without any issues.

3.) Turmeric

This spice that I absolutely love on my chicken or mixed into my scrambled eggs does wonder for the body including anti-inflammatory effects. If you didn't know, turmeric has bioactive compounds known as curcuminoids which contribute to it's medicinal qualities like lowering inflammation in the body. Furthermore, curcumin can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and exert effects on brain function and neuroprotection . It has also been shown to be neuritogenic which means it can help increase neuron growth. I recommend taking 500mg of turmeric 3x a day with food.

4.) Ginger 

 This root is great for dealing with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of ginger's anti-inflammatory properties , they have been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to treat illnesses in the digestive system including flatulence, stomach aches, motion sickness etc . If you are looking to add this herb in your diet, try adding it into smoothies or juices!

5.) Green Tea

One of my favorite drinks that I always have with me is green tea . It contains antioxidants known as catechins which are considered to be more powerful than vitamin C, E and beta-carotene . What's great about drinking green tea vs taking a supplement is it also contains caffeine which can help boost your cognitive performance!

I hope you enjoyed this article on the top 5 foods & supplements to reduce inflammation in the body! Please feel free to comment below any other foods/supplements that you consume regularly.







6) http://onlinelibrary​ .wiley​ .com/​doi/​10​/1111/​j.15 2-29​ .2012.00 081.x/​full




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